Senior Digital Sales Specialist Experience

SEO & Content Leader

As an SEO Expert, control panel content creator, and platform leader, I shape and create the superior resources and information we share with AEs & customers.

Revenue Driver

For every case, I focus on how we can drive more revenue for the customer and for FedEx by focusing on strategies that will put packages on the belt such as traffic generation.

DSS Resources

As the longest tenured member of the Project SEE/DSS Resources team, I have been able to link the original processes of the Control Panel with the new platform vision for our team.

Worldwide Sales Pilot

For our Worldwide Sales Pilot, I was able to lead exceptional consultations and discussions with a more strategic customer segment while also providing feedback on the pilot process.

Field Sales Readiness Mentor

As a mentor to my DSS peers, I was able to guide FS readiness candidates through the process of becoming FS ready while providing education, best practices, and developmental feedback.

E-Commerce Express Pilot

As a member of the EE Pilot, I was able to collaborate with our CT team members in order to find the best way for us to leverage our respective talents, resulting in the PAAR Process.

3x Bravo Zulu Commendation Recipient

FY22 Digital Sales & Support MVP

FY21 Q1 Director's Commitment To Excellence

What's Next For Forrest & DSS?

While I have been committed to driving value to FedEx and our customers during my time here, I have big ideas to help drive additional value for our company and our customers.

Helping DSS Expand Our Resources

Project SEE is now the DSS Resources platform, and while the Control Panel is integral to what we do, I think it is only a part of what we do. I want to expand the resources that our platform supports beyond the Control Panel. It is critical that our consultants know how to use each one of our resources effectively to be the best consultant they can be: SEMRush, Answer The Public, Google PageSpeed Insights, Sparktoro, and others. To that end, I am working at expanding the DSS Resources platform vision so that we also spend a portion of our efforts teaching how to effectively utilize these resources across the organization. All of our specialists need to be comfortable using these tools for analysis. The DSS Resources team can be the bridge that our organization needs to see these tools utilized effectively by creating user guides for each resource and teaching-back to each resource as each new “generation” of specialists comes in.

Enhancing Our Education

E-commerce is a fast paced and ever changing field. We also work in a fast paced and ever changing company that is always adding initiatives, products, and solutions for our customers. With how fast paced our organization is, it is easy for us to shift our focus away from our own education. With how ever changing our organization is, though, it is even more critical for us to be constantly continuing and enhancing our education. I want to impact and refine our education by following the QDM process while assessing our organization’s current comfort level with consultation concepts, building new content and processes for our organization to engage those concepts, launching the programs intended to raise the comfort level our consultants have speaking to each concept, and evaluating our impact through surveys and other data. I am already working with my DSS Resources peers to survey areas of opportunity to help our peers better understand our consultative resources, as well as to plan short videos that teach our specialists how to consult to each Control Panel topic on an individualized basis. I also see additional education opportunities for our organization through connecting with outside industry experts and learning from them. Only by staying on top of the latest industry shifts can we be the most effective value add possible for our sales team and our customers.

Increasing The Quality Of Our Individual Consultations

Our content plays an integral role in our consultations. We must continue to create better content for better quality consultations. Our Expertise platforms and DSS Resources team are hard at work to do that, but individual content creators are still needed to drive us forward. That is something I have taken upon myself to provide for both my Expertise Platform and for other platforms where I see an opportunity. Topics I have created include our “SEO Landing Page Content Strategy” slide and our “Digital Advertising Options” slide. I see more opportunities for content creation that I can spearhead for future content updates, including Video SEO and the TikTok Pixel. As a DSS Resources platform member, I am also in the unique position of being able to suggest content ideas and connect those content ideas with those who can best speak to those topics within our organization. I plan on being more aggressive about finding these opportunities in the future, and I believe the new platform structure opens up these opportunities more than we had before. Through my own content contributions, and encouraging the content contributions of others, I believe I can play a pivotal role in increasing the quality of our individual consultations.

DSS has a bright future ahead of it, and through our expertise, we can create a level of value that no business would want to turn down. I believe DSS can continue to be the “Tip of the Spear” for generating revenue, but that requires us to stay sharp. I look forward to the role I will play in keeping our organization sharp through educating and enabling my peers as well as I can.

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